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Hearty Food Starts with Quality Produce

Posted by Eleni Zeniou, Dietitian (B.Nut & Diet. APD) on 18 August 2022
Hearty Food Starts with Quality Produce

Food made with love starts with high quality, locally sourced produce... and plenty of it.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables supports a healthy gut microbiome, can prevent the onset of chronic disease and most notably is a rich source of inflammation-reducing polyphenols. Polyphenols are micronutrients best known for their role in the prevention of degenerative diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. The health effects of polyphenols depend on the amount consumed and on their bioavailability.

These polyphenols are most bioavailable when sourced locally, directly from farmers. That’s why, where possible our procurement team work directly with local farmers to ensure fresh produce is delivered and at the heart of our high-quality products.

To receive the health benefits of the fibre, polyphenols and other nutrients, it is important for consumers to aim for 5 serves of vegetables per day, with one serve being 75g.

Here at Helen’s, we have a range of products boasting at least 1 serve of vegetables per portion - helping your customers to reach their 5 serves easier!

We pride ourselves on food that feeds our body, mind and soul. 

Take a browse through our range of products that are not only delicious, but also packed with veg!

Oven-Roasted Tortilla Bake

Over 1 serve of vegetables per portion
Plate with a fresh salad to boost the meal up to 2 serves of vegetables.

Pictured: Oven Roasted Tortilla Bake

Frittata Range

With 1-1.5 serve of vegetables per portion

Pair with a side salad and some sweet roast tomatoes to boost a meal up to 3 serves of vegetables.

Pictured: Chorizo, Roast Potato, Red Pepper & Spinach Frittata (1 serve vegetables) paired with sweet roast tomatoes and salad.  Sweet Potato, Pumpkin, Spinach and Fetta Frittata (1.5 serves vegetables) & Spinach and Fetta Frittata (1 serve vegetables).

Roast Pumpkin, Spinach & Fetta Filo

1.5 serve of vegetables per portion

Add some colour with roasted beetroot to get 2.5 serves on the plate - half your daily requirements!

Pictured: Roast Pumpkin, Spinach & Fetta Filo

Author:Eleni Zeniou, Dietitian (B.Nut & Diet. APD)